Northeast Iowa dairy producers will have the opportunity to hear Iowa State University Extension Specialists share information on several “hot button” issues in the dairy industry at the 2009 Northeast Iowa Dairy Days. The local Dairy Days schedule includes Tuesday, January 20 at the American Legion Hall in Ryan; Wednesday, January 21 at the Dubuque County Fairgrounds; Tuesday, February 10 at the Knights of
Columbus Hall in Elma; Wednesday, February 11 at the Dairy Foundation Center south of Calmar; and Thursday, February 12 at the Civic Center in Waverly.
As part of this year’s program, area Dairy Specialist Dale Thoreson will address how using genomics will change how bull mothers are identified, sires selected and how producers mate their cows. Robert Tigner will discuss farm labor force and best management practices to secure and keep quality employees. Dr. Lee Kilmer will share information that will help producers position their feeding program when feed and milk prices are volatile. He will also address how feed shrink robs from the bottom line.
After lunch dairymen will hear ISU Extension Veterinarians or local practitioners discuss current health topics and answer producer questions. At the Calmar location, there will be a producer panel discussion answering how they get high milk per cow, low herd SCC and higher profits.
Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. and the program will begin promptly at 10 a.m. Lunch and time to visit the commercial exhibits will be at 12 noon with all programs completed by 3:30 p.m. A $10 registration fee will cover meal and proceedings costs. Vouchers may be available from local ag-service providers or veterinarians. The deadline to register is the Friday before each event. Producers may also take advantage of free feed testing by bringing a ziploc bag of TMR, silage or grain samples (approx. one quart) for particle size analysis. For more information contact your local County Extension office or Leo Timms at 515-294-4522.