Proper handling and administration of vaccines, along with customized, written vaccination protocols are essential to provide maximum disease protection in successful dairy operations. Are you adequately protected? Because of the importance of this topic, Northeast Iowa Community College and The Northeast Iowa Community Based Dairy Foundation Program Committee will be offering the Midwest Dairy School—Vaccination Myth Busters in two different locations.
Vaccination Myth Busters Clinics
Monday, November 23, 2009
12:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Manchester Livestock Auction
Manchester, Iowa
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Dairy Center Room 115
Calmar, Iowa
*Review the common myths associated with vaccines and vaccine protocols.
*Learn the five possible USDA levels of protection that can be granted and the difference between each level.
*Review proper handling and proper injection technique.
*Where to find the level of protection for a particular vaccine.
*Learn the concept of vaccine ‘stacking’ and how to work around it.
The effectiveness of the Midwest Dairy School – Myth Busters is enhanced with live animal demonstrations at both sites.
Presenters include:
Dr. Vic Cortese - Director of Cattle Veterinary Operation – Cattle Immunology for Pfizer Animal Health, Adjunct professor with U of WI College of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Chris Harvey - Northeast Iowa Community College Dairy Science faculty
Dr. Gary Neubauer - Minnesota’s Veterinarian of the year in 2001, Dairy Veterinarian Operations Pfizer Animal Health
There is limited space at both sites. To register for the Midwest Dairy School, please call Northeast Iowa Community College at 800-728-2256 Ext 399. The reduced registration fee of $15.00 includes lunch and refreshments and materials. For more information, call Mary Steen Ext 341 or email