An Iowa State University professor of animal science has been awarded the annual USDA Food and Agricultural Sciences Excellence in Teaching Award. Douglas Kenealy is one of two people to receive the national award, which encompasses all the food and agricultural disciplines.
“I believe that you can push students, whether first-year or upper-class, if you consistently remind them of where they will use the building blocks of their education and how it will enhance future success in the classroom or in their career,” Kenealy said. An Iowa State alum, Kenealy joined the animal science faculty in 1975 and established a record as an exceptional teacher, adviser and a leader in curriculum development in animal science. Throughout his career he has taught or advised more than 13,000 students.
Kenealy received the award on Nov. 11 in Washington, D.C. The award is based on teaching quality, philosophy and methodology; service to the profession and students; and professional growth and development. It requires endorsements by an administrator, colleague and alumnus.
In addition to his significant undergraduate teaching load and graduate advising, Kenealy assists with job placement activities for animal science and dairy science. During his tenure, annual placement rate has never fallen below 90 percent and for the past five years, placement for undergraduates has averaged 97 percent.